Bonneville Power

Preparing your Home For a Storm

Be ready for a storm. You can minimize the problems and safety hazards of a power outage by following these simple suggestions to protect your home.

Know where your service panel and utility shut-offs are
It's a good idea to know how to shut off the power to your house using the main fuse or breaker at the service panel, and how to shut off water and gas supply lines.

If a severe storm hits, your local disaster officials may instruct you to shut off the utilities to avoid further damage or injuries.

Keep fireplaces and wood-burning stoves maintained
A wood-burning fireplace or stove can keep you warm during a winter power outage, but it’s important to keep it clean and in good condition so that you are ready before a storm hits.

Keep the fire box clean and make sure the damper is operating correctly. Have the chimney cleaned and inspected by a professional chimney sweep on a regular basis.

If you plan to use a fireplace or wood-burning stove during a power outage, be sure to open a window slightly on the opposite side of the room to allow for air circulation. Operating a fireplace in an airtight room could cause carbon monoxide problems.

Install surge protectors
A lightning strike or downed power line can send a surge of electricity through your home, damaging appliances and other electronic equipment. Surge protectors are a relatively small investment to protect your electronics and appliances.

A surge protector will stop the damaging surge of power before it gets to your expensive electronic devices, such as stereos, televisions and computers.

Once a storm arrives, it's too late to protect your electronics and appliances from a power surge. Be sure to plug all your valuable electronics into a high-quality surge protector before a storm arrives.